Friday, January 11, 2013
Oh no.
My computer is down for the count - I will continue to try to post from my phone and other computers until its up and running again.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Treasure Hunt
*These photos are from my cell phone - my camera battery needs charging. boo.
Today, Levi and I went on a new adventure.
I told him we were going to go on a treasure hunt.
Today, Levi and I went on a new adventure.
I told him we were going to go on a treasure hunt.
He was so excited; talking about the map, 'x marks the spot,' the treasure chest and all the stuff we were going to find in it!
We were going geocaching.
I downloaded the app, but when we went to the destination of the first cache, it proved far too difficult for my three year old - we needed something that would be quick and easy to find.
Since the free app only gives you three locations near you, and always very small caches, I hopped on the website and found a LARGE cache for us to hunt down.
Thank goodness for smartphones!
Since the free app only gives you three locations near you, and always very small caches, I hopped on the website and found a LARGE cache for us to hunt down.
Thank goodness for smartphones!
I also had to download this GPS app where I could plug in the coordinates that are provided on the website and lead us in the right direction.
The gate to the park was closed, so we had to park the car and go for a walk.
We did some hiking - not to self: DON'T wear toms next time... ugh.
We quickly found our prize!
It was so much fun looking through the bucket and seeing all the treasures.
With geocaching, you sign a log with your username and the date...
You leave a small trinket and then you get to take a trinket with you.
This specific cache was near a playground, so after we re-hid the cache, we played for a little while and then trekked back to the car.
On the way, we came across some hoof prints in the gravel.
Levi wanted to stomp all over them.
We're definitely going to do this more often...
it's fun, exercise, fresh air, and best of all - FREE.
Do you geocache?
Do you use this website too?
Do you use this website too?
Feel free to share your username or some cool finds!
Saturday, January 5, 2013
To the New Year.
I didn't realize how long it had been since I posted something.
Things have been interesting, to say the least.
We're still not in our new home, so that has been making things complicated.
It's almost time for the new semester.
I'm hoping my class load this semester turns out to be a little less crazy.
I don't have any science classes - that should tone down the crazy by itself.
Things have been interesting, to say the least.
We're still not in our new home, so that has been making things complicated.
It's almost time for the new semester.
I'm hoping my class load this semester turns out to be a little less crazy.
I don't have any science classes - that should tone down the crazy by itself.
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and summertime with my boys.
But until then, each month is going to bring new and wonderful things.
- the new school semester. one semester closer to the end.
- INSANITY. yep, the workout... I'm starting it and in two months, I'll be finishing it.
- Las Vegas. My first time ever... I'm really excited for that trip.
- New goals for 2013. Still working on those.
No pictures.
My camera is packed away somewhere.
My last few posts haven't had any pictures.
How terrible of me. I've broken so many rules.
Oh well.
Happy 2013!
But until then, each month is going to bring new and wonderful things.
- the new school semester. one semester closer to the end.
- INSANITY. yep, the workout... I'm starting it and in two months, I'll be finishing it.
- Las Vegas. My first time ever... I'm really excited for that trip.
- New goals for 2013. Still working on those.
No pictures.
My camera is packed away somewhere.
My last few posts haven't had any pictures.
How terrible of me. I've broken so many rules.
Oh well.
Happy 2013!
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Physics is kicking my butt.
I briefly considered dropping the class all together in a moment of desperation when my brain was fried from crazy amounts of stress...
But I can't do that.
I won't do that.
If I chose to drop the class, I wouldn't meet my personal goals...
and I know I can get through this and pass this class
and meet on of my goals.
Associate's degree completed in December 2012
I briefly considered dropping the class all together in a moment of desperation when my brain was fried from crazy amounts of stress...
But I can't do that.
I won't do that.
If I chose to drop the class, I wouldn't meet my personal goals...
and I know I can get through this and pass this class
and meet on of my goals.
Associate's degree completed in December 2012
I've been doing almost nothing other than:
cooking, cleaning, and homework.
cooking, cleaning, and homework.
I have plans.
Lot's of crafting plans.
I just haven't had time for any of them.
It makes me so sad.
We're moving at the end of this month as well.
So, I'll soon be cooking, cleaning, packing, and doing homework.
But somewhere in there I'll be squeezing in some sewing so that the boys have Halloween costumes.
Possibly my own costume as well.
Here's to planning some better time management!
Winter break can't come fast enough.
Lot's of crafting plans.
I just haven't had time for any of them.
It makes me so sad.
We're moving at the end of this month as well.
So, I'll soon be cooking, cleaning, packing, and doing homework.
But somewhere in there I'll be squeezing in some sewing so that the boys have Halloween costumes.
Possibly my own costume as well.
Here's to planning some better time management!
Winter break can't come fast enough.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Run Ragged
I hate when my blog gets neglected.
Lets admit it, that's most of the time.
Between school, my kids, babysitting my neighbor's rambunctious 3 year old, and Vault Denim...
I'm exhausted.
Lets admit it, that's most of the time.
Between school, my kids, babysitting my neighbor's rambunctious 3 year old, and Vault Denim...
I'm exhausted.
I usually don't get my homework done until after my kids are in bed.
I usually don't finish until at LEAST midnight.
I usually don't finish until at LEAST midnight.
My house is a disaster zone.
Gabe has started waking up around 3am every. single. night.
Then he wakes up for the day around 7 or 7:30am.
I am not one of those people that functions well on little sleep.
Nope, no can do.
Gabe has started waking up around 3am every. single. night.
Then he wakes up for the day around 7 or 7:30am.
I am not one of those people that functions well on little sleep.
Nope, no can do.
Maybe I just need some better time management skills.
Feel free to leave me a comment with any tips you may have.
Feel free to leave me a comment with any tips you may have.
Today, I have 40 flash cards to make.
Jazz musicians.
And then study them.
That's what I need to know for my first test next Thursday.
I also have to do 3 or 4 physics labs before Friday.
Those are the big two.
I definitely need some Super-Mom powers!
Jazz musicians.
And then study them.
That's what I need to know for my first test next Thursday.
I also have to do 3 or 4 physics labs before Friday.
Those are the big two.
I definitely need some Super-Mom powers!
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Simply Delicious
There's something you should know about me.
I am unbelievably stubborn.
My way is always the right way.
(actually, I will sometimes admit when I'm wrong... but only if I'm actually wrong.
(actually, I will sometimes admit when I'm wrong... but only if I'm actually wrong.
Which is rare.)
One thing I look forward to every fall is a local town festival that we have in a neighboring city.
I only look forward to it for one real reason.
I bring this up, because it always happens that I will go somewhere new and they will advertise "Walking Tacos."
Then I get really excited,
but I am always disappointed.
In these last few summer months,
I've seen a number of blog posts about Walking Tacos.
I'm disappointed in those too.
I'm disappointed in those too.
Frankly, y'all are WRONG.
Frankly, y'all are WRONG.
Let me inform you of the right way to make a Walking Taco.
Because it's delicious.
I'm not going to post a recipe.
Frankly because it's so easy to do the right way
and recipe isn't necessary.
I promise.
Prep all your preferred taco ingredients.
Cut open the side of a bag of FRITOS.
Add taco incredients.
Eat. Or in my case, devour!
See? Easy.
Ignore all other "recipes" that tell you to use:
Tortilla chips.
A bowl.
I only took the one picture - sorry!
I was too busy enjoying the party in my mouth.
Frankly because it's so easy to do the right way
and recipe isn't necessary.
I promise.
Prep all your preferred taco ingredients.
Cut open the side of a bag of FRITOS.
Add taco incredients.
Eat. Or in my case, devour!
See? Easy.
Ignore all other "recipes" that tell you to use:
Tortilla chips.
A bowl.
I was too busy enjoying the party in my mouth.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Today, we decided to check out a new thrift store in town.
My favorite thrift store was bought out a while back and now the prices are outrageous.
Not cool.
I had high hopes for this new store...

My favorite thrift store was bought out a while back and now the prices are outrageous.
Not cool.
I had high hopes for this new store...

I got these books for the boys for birthday/Christmas gifts.
All in like-new condition.
Total cost: $1.12
I call that a SUCCESS.
That is all.
All in like-new condition.
Total cost: $1.12
I call that a SUCCESS.
That is all.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Jeans, jeans, jeans.
I just finished some quick sewing.
Super quick.
Super quick.
Quick and not at all creative sewing.
Hemming jeans.
(and our apartment has gross carpet. Ignore that. We're moving soon.)
A lot of the jeans we have in our inventories run really, really long.
Which is awesome.
It's awesome because really tall women have a really hard time finding jeans that are long enough for them.... I know first hand and I'm not even THAT tall.
It's also awesome for petite women, because they will end up with jeans that are the perfect length for them.
Everyone is happy.
Where else can you buy jeans and everyone is happy?
Probably no where.
I absolutely love that I am able to help women feel sexy, beautiful and self confident.
BUT, moving on...
BUT, moving on...
This week I'm going to be working on a custom dress for a friend.
I'm looking forward to that.
We have a group on facebook full of crafters and instead of exchanging crafts for $$, we trade for other crafts.
I'm looking forward to that.
We have a group on facebook full of crafters and instead of exchanging crafts for $$, we trade for other crafts.
Pretty awesome.
Pretty awesome.
Lots of really talented women, too!
I also have some really exciting news coming up in the next couple weeks.
I'm not going to reveal it until I have pictures to show you as well.
Just trust me, it's awesome.
I also have some really exciting news coming up in the next couple weeks.
I'm not going to reveal it until I have pictures to show you as well.
Just trust me, it's awesome.
Also, tomorrow morning is my first class of the semester.
Things are about to get crazy busy and I am more than excited!
Things are about to get crazy busy and I am more than excited!
Monday, August 13, 2012
What We've Been Up To...
I haven't had many opportunities lately to hop on and post, so I downloaded the Blogger app for iPhone so I could update on the go! However, I can't quite figure out how to get the pictures into the post... I uploaded them, but then couldn't figure out what to do with them!
Back to the drawing board.
Here's what we've been up to lately:
These first two pictures were actually taken a while ago, on our vacation... but still very share worthy!
Levi was so excited to get to drive the boat and then swim in the middle of the big lake!
I am a Vault Denim Fashion Consultant and had a big party during tax free weekend.
Lots of prizes to give away!
I love my job so much.
We've had some fun trampoline time with friends.
Gabe learned to feed himself finger foods!
He's only gotten puffs so far.
Trying to get the hang of the whole 'swallowing foods that aren't pureed' thing.
We had this gorgeous sunset the other day after a quick summer storm.
Just beautiful.
Levi and I did some tree climbing.
He's going to be a pro in no time!
And finally, my last semester at community college will be starting on the 21st!
I am really excited and anxious at the same time.
I also still have to go get one of my textbooks - they were sold out of it!
But REALLY excited to have a course about education this semester.
It feels good to be learning about what my career will actually entail.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Stress free, finally!
I've been feeling a little stressed this past week.
A little bit like this:
That is Levi, circa summer 2010, by the way.
This week was finals week for the summer semester and I literally JUST submitted my last assignment.
We will be trying out another new recipe this weekend, so that will be showing up in the coming days.
Sneak peak: it's lamb.
It was supposed to be on the menu on Tuesday - but look how well that's turned out.
Today we had Kraft macaroni & cheese and green beans from a can.
Gourmet cooking, I'm telling you.
But now I'm feeling a little more like this:
No shame. We keep it real around here.
Messy hair, no make up, tired eyes.
BUT I'm happy and wearing a neon pink t-shirt... and giving that awesome thumbs up.
Sweet dreams, readers!
A little bit like this:
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(Photo courtesy of Autumn Rose Photography) |
This week was finals week for the summer semester and I literally JUST submitted my last assignment.
We will be trying out another new recipe this weekend, so that will be showing up in the coming days.
Sneak peak: it's lamb.
It was supposed to be on the menu on Tuesday - but look how well that's turned out.
Today we had Kraft macaroni & cheese and green beans from a can.
Gourmet cooking, I'm telling you.
But now I'm feeling a little more like this:
Messy hair, no make up, tired eyes.
BUT I'm happy and wearing a neon pink t-shirt... and giving that awesome thumbs up.
Sweet dreams, readers!
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